Surgery With Gynecological
What are the Benefits?
The benefits of surgery depend on the type of surgery and its purpose. For example, the benefit of removing a cancerous tumor is preventing further spread of the disease. Other surgeries are done to relieve pain or help with incontinence. Some procedures are done for diagnosis — for example, to look inside the uterus or bladder for any problems.
How Do I Prepare?
Each gynecologic surgery is different. Talk with your doctor about how to prepare for your procedure.
How is it Done or Administered?
Intermountain’s gynecologic surgery team uses the least invasive methods possible for surgery. Many gynecologic surgeries are done as laparoscopic surgeries. This means the doctor does the surgery by using a laparoscope, which lets the doctor look inside the body and do the surgery without opening the body up. With laparoscopic surgery, the incisions (cuts) are much smaller than with open surgery. Recovery time is typically faster and there is a smaller risk of infection.