Accidents and Fractures

Bone fractures, commonly known as broken bones, happen to millions of people across the country each year. Typically caused by sports injuries, car accidents or falls, these painful injuries take time to heal. Your healthcare provider has several options to treat fractures.

What is a bone fracture?

When you break a bone, healthcare providers call it a bone fracture. This break changes the shape of the bone. These breaks may happen straight across a bone or along its length. A fracture can split a bone in two or leave it in several pieces.

What types of bone fractures are there?

Healthcare providers can usually categorize a bone fracture based on its features. The categories include:

  • Closed or open fractures: If the injury doesn’t break open the skin, it’s called a closed fracture. If the skin does open, it’s called an open fracture or compound fracture.
  • Complete fractures: The break goes completely through the bone, separating it in two.


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