About neurosurgeons
Learning more about spine surgery, as well as the neurosurgeon who will be performing the surgery, is a good idea. It is also important for you to know who will be performing your surgery, as you want to be sure they have plenty of experience. Neurosurgeons are medical professionals who have decided to focus on diagnosing and surgically treating any disorders connected to the central and peripheral nervous system, which includes the spine.
Laser spine surgery
Laser spine surgery requires a surgeon to use a laser in order to remove any back tissue that is situated on or along the spinal cord which is causing problems. Laser surgery is often used to help decompress any nerves that are causing a patient to experience a lot of pain. The fact that laser surgery is less invasive when compared to traditional surgery has many patients considering this surgical option, which can also sometimes be performed on an outpatient basis.
Laser spine surgery may be chosen by patients who have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, slipped discs, scoliosis and sciatica.
Traditional surgery
Traditional spine surgery requires a surgeon to make a long incision in order to access the area of the spine which requires treatment. After the incision has been made, it is necessary to move the back muscles and other tissues away from the spine, allowing the surgeon the access they need. Because of this long incision that has been made to access the spine, patients may experience tissue damage and will definitely experience a longer recovery time.
Traditional spine surgery may be chosen by patients who have been diagnosed with a spinal deformation, spinal injuries and disorders that have to do with the pelvic organs.
Which is better?
When it comes to which option is better, it simply depends on the reason for the spinal surgery. While laser surgery can be very beneficial for addressing certain types of spinal conditions, sometimes a patient needs to undergo traditional surgery in order to correct their spinal condition. If a patient has a choice, it is necessary for them to weigh all of the pros and cons of each surgical option.
The bottom line
Want to learn more about your spine surgery choices? When you make a consultation appointment with our office, you will learn everything you need to know about the differences between these two types of surgeries. It is also a time for you to ask any questions you have, as you will get the answers you need in order to make the right decision.